Výměna filamentu

Pro výměnu filamentu slouží normálně příkaz M600. V některých tiskárnách ovšem není v Marlinu jeho podpora zapnuta (#define ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE). Můžeme si ovšem vypomoci skriptem, který vše udělá za nás. Ten pak můžeme buď uložit na SD kartu, nadefinovat do Octoprintu jako tlačítko, nebo vložit v příslušné vrstvě přímo do G-code použitím například Poznámkového bloku ve Windows.

Filament unload G-code:

G21 ;Metric Values
G90 ;Absolute Positioning
M109 S205.000 ;205 Unload
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Positioning
G1 E10 F100 ;Extrude 10mm filament
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Positioning
G1 E-600 F1500 ;Retract Filament completely 
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
M400 ;Wait Command
M400 ; Wait Command

Filament load G-code:

G21 ;Metric Values
G90 ;Set absolute positioning
M109 S205.000 ;Preheat PLA
M300 S440 P200 ; Tone
M300 S660 P250 ; Tone
M300 S880 P300 ; Tone
G4 S5 ; Wait 5 seconds
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Position
G1 E380 F1500; Fast Feed of 380mm filament
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Position
G1 E100 F200 ;Feed 100mm filament slowly
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Position
M400; Finish Move

Filemant change 1:

G1 F3000 E-25
G1 F300 Z4
G1 F9000 X100 Y100
G1 F300 Z15
M0 ;Do the actual pause
G21 ;Metric Values
G90 ;Absolute Positioning
M109 S205.000 ;205 Unload
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Positioning
G1 E10 F100 ;Extrude 10mm filament
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Positioning
G1 E-600 F1500 ;Retract Filament completely 
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
M400 ;Wait Command
M400 ; Wait Command
G21 ;Metric Values
G90 ;Set absolute positioning
M109 S205.000 ;Preheat PLA
M300 S440 P200 ; Tone
M300 S660 P250 ; Tone
M300 S880 P300 ; Tone
G4 S5 ; Wait 5 seconds
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Position
G1 E380 F1500; Fast Feed of 380mm filament
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Position
G1 E100 F200 ;Feed 100mm filament slowly
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder Position
M400; Finish Move
M109 S215; resume temperature
G1 F3000 E25
G1 F3000 E-25
G1 F300 Z4
G1 F9000 X101.7 Y137.3
G1 F3000 E25
G1 F9000
G92 E763.80547
G4 P1 

Filament change 2:

G1 Z9.2 ;go up two layer heights from where we are now - we are going to swop colours somewhere in the middle of layer height 8.8 so outline will appear at height 9.0

G1 X-100 Y-100 F9000 ;send X and Y home
M104 S175 ;Reduce extruder temp a bit
G1 Z200 ;raise nozzle close to home position
M84 ;disable steppers
M0 ; pause so that we can change filament - restart when ready by pushing Panelolu button

G28 ; having changed go home
G1 X-60.0 Y98.0 F9000 ; edge of bed to wipe
G1 Z0.05 ; close to bed
M109 S185 ; raise extruder back to normal
G92 E0 ;reset extruder axis to zero
G1 X-10.0 E5 F200 ;wipe a blob
G1 E-1 F1200 ;retract

G1 Z9.2 F9000 ; which is where we started from

Zdroj1: https://3dprinting.stackexchange.com/questions/10843/help-with-my-g-code-to-change-filament-change-mid-print

Zdroj2: https://reprap.org/forum/read.php?292,559716


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This site was created on the basis of a pile of still the same questions on the czech Facebook group to support Ender-3. Therefore, some active members have decided to write answers to these questions, and then this site was created.